

The Orient - Part 1

Impressions of my orient trip I made in October 10

Damascus - A man 
sitting at roadside. 
Kiosk in background.
He was the vendor. 
Drinking mate 
and smoking.


Stop the world! I want to jump off.

Even 'sweet nothing' seems to be tooo much for my little, hairy head.


Rose Ausländer

Ich weiß nicht

Ich weiß nicht
wie der Tag
sich verflüchtigt
ins Nichts
ins Nacht
ins Nichts
Tag und Nacht
weiß ich nicht
woher wohin
das Nichts
Aus dem
ich schöpfe
die Welt
und Ruh


The Sunday Useless Information

44 years ago, something
you all know,
some of us can't imagine missing it in daily routine,
was incorporated - The Apple Computer

January 3rd 1496
Leonardo da Vinci unsuccessfully tests a flying machine

January 3rd
a german poet passed on, Rose Ausländer
may she rest in peace